Thursday, October 1, 2015

Keep Calm and Think Pink!

It's October and that makes people think of pumpkin spiced (everything), Fall, the leaves changing, impending holidays, breast cancer awareness month, and STRESS!!

Yes, I mixed the GOOD and the bad in this because I think the holidays coming up do cause stress for lots of people. Also, when the world turns pink you begin to question your own mortality (moreso as a woman) but guys too! 

I've been under an AMAZINGLY large amount of stress lately. I've been putting on my brave face, my big girl panties, and trying to work, clean the house, etc. It's not really working. It's information and issues that I can't honestly tell others. I can't vent. So, I'm just asking for prayers. 

But, that brought me to a thought...

Stress KILLS!

Yes, most people know that too much stress can kill but I'm going to tell you what it does to ME!

Right now my head pounds, it makes my chest tight and hurting (like a panic attack), my stomach is upset, and I can't sleep. Cat naps and caffeine are keeping me going. I'd like to tell you that there is a magic pill -- magic potion -- way to get rid of stress but there isn't. I'm trying to realize that when I stress over something I CANNOT change that I am not helping anyone.

But, how do you NOT STRESS. How do you NOT WORRY? I don't know. If you know the answer PLEASE COMMENT!

Now, on to the public service announcement -- ladies -- I've dealt with breast issues. I've had surgeries (thankfully to an EARLY DETECTION and a MAMMOGRAM at only 19 and 23). GET THOSE BOOBIES TESTED! SAVE THE TATAS! You only get one (real) pair. You only get one life. I've seen so many of my friends and family pass from breast cancer. It's not a pretty sight. I urge you to get tested. Do SELF EXAMS! BE PROACTIVE! The doctors didn't want to give me a mammogram so young but I PUSHED and I am sure glad I did! I might not be here right now if I did not.

So, on to the future. I think, tonight, I'm going to finish my Vlogtober video (Check out my youtube chan for a full list of all the Vlogtober participants), take a bath with a bath salt mix I made, and try to just rest, relax, and SLEEP!

Comment, like, sub, share! It MIGHT SAVE A LIFE! IT MIGHT SAVE A TATA!

The Curvy Nerd

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