Thursday, December 25, 2014

And to all a Good night....

Hello friends and family,

I just wanted to write and tell you all that I hope you have the merriest of Christmases and the Happiest of New Years. Also, I wanted to warn you not to get caught up in the materialism that Christmas has become. If that is your thing (that is cool) but don't feel undervalued if you gave handmade gifts, gave small gifts, got small gifts, etc. It really is the THOUGHT that counts.

This year I received: Olaf sleep pants and shirt, and Olaf coffee mug, a new Bible, and a Dollar Tree Gift card. I'm ecstatic. Though I have had much larger Christmases in the past it doesn't seem to matter to me. I am happy that each gift was thoughtful, caring, and meant the person truly knew ME! There are other items I want *SURE* and I can always get those items for myself. I don't expect others to know my clothing style, or shoes, or jewelry, or perfume, or makeup -- to me -- those items are quite personal and difficult to get.

I suppose I just wanted to get on here long enough to say that I took the time to THANK YOU ALL for reading this, thanking you all for supporting me here and my YouTube channel, and for just being yourselves.

Remember -- be fun, frugal, fabulous, and most of all Be YOU tiful!

Monday, December 22, 2014

Frugal Christmas Presents

We all know that this time of year is full of stress, strife, and worry over gifts. Fear not! I will show you some very cute and (frugal) gifts that you can get from your local Dollar Tree! Yes, your local "DOLLAR TREE!" The Dollar Tree has some great finds but it is like everywhere else. It's like a treasure hunt. You must look, peek behind things, and know what is and IS NOT worth 1.00 or more. In this YouTube video I will show you some AWESOME deals and ways to get things to build an amazing, frugal, and lovely present by making a "Dollar Tree" basket. Hope you enioy!

Dollar Tree Gifts! Just click right here to get a peek at some GREAT frugal gift ideas!

(If the above link does not work here is the direct link)

Thanks for reading and hope to chat more soon!

The Curvy Nerd Chick

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

YouTube Videos

So, I've FINALLY got the knack of uploading Youtube videos. I'm so happy! I've been wanting to do this for quite some time but I was afraid. To be honest, I was afraid of people's reaction to me. I'm not the typical "beauty guru" type and I don't get "made up" to do my videos. Since most of my videos are on the more "frugal" side of living -- I don't see the need to create a fake persona. I'm just me. I have a thin skin but I've been quite lucky and found a very kind group that seems to like my videos.

So, without further ado.....

Check me out on YouTube. My channel name is: Curvy Nerd

I hope you enjoy the videos.

They are mostly centering around frugal shopping, DIYs, couponing, etc. I plan to go more in depth and expand my horizon as time goes on but right now that is a niche I can work with and feel confident about.

So, thanks to all of you for watching, reading, and being there "for me". I cherish you all.


The Curvy Nerd